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Monthly Tuesday evenings in Sheffield City Centre

SAYiT has an active Parents and Carers Group that meets on a monthly basis in Sheffield city centre. It is suitable for any parent and/or carer of an LGBTQ+ young person to attend, even if their young person does not attend any of the SAYiT youth groups themselves.

The meetings are held in the early evening, with refreshments at 5.45pm followed by the meeting from 6.00pm – 7.30pm.  Although informal, the sessions are run with a group agreement and are facilitated by a SAYiT staff member and volunteer.  Each session has a discussion topic for the group to focus on and share their own experiences.

Examples of topics covered:​​

  • LGBTQ+ History

  • Updates on current climate

  • Top tips for looking after your child, as suggested by LGBTQ+ young people

  • Q and A session with older LGBTQ+ people

  • Representatives of Porter Brook Sheffield and Tavistock Leeds have attended, presented and answered questions and given invaluable information

  • Consultation evening on the Government’s proposed Sex and Relationships Education curriculum for schools

  • What does SAYiT do? – and not do!

  • What actually happens at the group work sessions with the young people?

We also welcome your input and feedback for topics to be covered at future meetings.

The attendance at the group currently varies between 6 – 14 people, some describing themselves as birth parents, foster carers, aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents and step-parents.

Most of the people who come to the meetings have never met another parent or carer of an LGBTQ+ young person before and often feel alone in their experience. At the SAYiT group, parents and carers can listen or talk in a safe space, perhaps for the first time, with other parents and carers.

If you are the parent or carer of a young person who you think would benefit from attending one of our groups, please do not hesitate to get in touch to find out more. 

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Cartoon image of young people

如果您是谢菲尔德的 LGBTQ+ 年轻人,那么 SAYiT 就在这里。

SAYiT 为谢菲尔德 12-25 岁的 LGBTQ+ 年轻人提供支持和社交机会。



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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

主席编号 1177477

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S1 4SE

0114 241 2728

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