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At SAYiT we understand that parents and carers of LGBTQ+ young people might need support too. We have staff that are here to answer any questions you might have whether that be on a 1:1 basis or as part of our Parents and Carers monthly meeting.

Parents and carers tell us that it is really useful for them to have somewhere safe and friendly to go to talk to other parents/carers whose young people are LGBTQ+. Even though most parents and carers are really supportive, they often worry about what is the right (or wrong) thing to say to their child in a variety of situations or how to deal with issues that arise, and they find it helpful to talk things through with others. 

To join the group mailing list or further information you can contact us at or call us on 0114 201 2633.

如果您是谢菲尔德的 LGBTQ+ 年轻人,那么 SAYiT 就在这里。

SAYiT 为谢菲尔德 12-25 岁的 LGBTQ+ 年轻人提供支持和社交机会。



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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

主席编号 1177477

说, 斯科舍工程,



S1 4SE

0114 241 2728

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