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Toto je odsek. Kliknutím na „Upraviť text“ alebo dvojitým kliknutím na textové pole začnite upravovať obsah a nezabudnite pridať všetky relevantné podrobnosti alebo informácie, ktoré chcete zdieľať so svojimi návštevníkmi.

At SAYiT you can

  • Attend our LGBTQ+ youth groups

  • Access information and support

  • Meet and make friends with people within the LGBTQ+ community

  • Take part in a range of exciting opportunities

  • Attend local events and activities

SAYiT run three youth groups for LGBTQ+ or questioning young people. Comets is for 8-10 year olds, Fruitbowl is for 11-17 year olds and Prism is for 18-25 years olds.

We appreciate how hard it can be to make the first step but we would love for you to get in touch. Even if you are not completely sure of your gender identity or sexuality yet, you will be met with understanding and a smile!

We do not offer a drop in service

Ak ste LGBTQ+ mladý človek v Sheffielde, potom je tu pre vás SAYiT.

SAYiT poskytuje podporu a sociálne príležitosti pre LGBTQ+ mladých ľudí v Sheffielde vo veku 12-25 rokov.


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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

Číslo stoličky 1177477

Povedz to,  Scotia Works,

Leadmill Road,


S1 4SE

0114 241 2728

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