We are pleased to announce that the Noah Lomax Memorial Lecture - Mental Health and LGBTQ+ Young People has now been rescheduled:
Monday 27th March 2023 2:30pm - 5:30pm
For Sheffield based professionals working with young people Find out what you can do to improve LGBTQ+ young people's mental health.
Keynote speaker: Richard Wilkinson Co-founder of the Equality Trust, which explains the benefits of a more equal society and campaigns for greater income equality. Co-author of 'The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better' and 'The Inner Level', which explores the relationship between increasing levels of inequality and poorer mental health and well-being. Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham. Tickets are £5, available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-sayit-noah-lomax-memorial-lecture-rescheduled-date-tickets-569420892217
This is a rescheduled event. Original tickets remain valid! Please contact us if cost is a barrier.